Christ at 33
Image 1 - Painting by Heinrich Hofmann.
“Lo I am with you alway even unto the end of the world.” - Matthew 28:20

Mary Visits the Mother of John the Baptist
Image 2 - Painting by Carl Heinrich Bloch.
Courtesy of Det Nationalhistoriske Museum på Frederiksborg, Hillerød, Denmark.

The Visit of the Tree Wise Men
Image 3 - Drawing by Heinrich Hofmann.

The Infant with Mary and Joseph
Image 4 - Painting by Bartolome Murillo.
©Museo Nacinal del Prado, Madrid. All rights reserved.

The Baptism of Jesus
Image 5 - Painting by Carl Heinrich Bloch.
Courtesy of Det Nationalhistoriske Museum på Frederiksborg, Hillerød, Denmark.

Get the Behind Me, Satan
Image 6 - Drawing by Heinrich Hofmann.

The Boy Jesus with the Doctors in the Temple
Image 7 - Painting by Heinrich Hofmann.

The Childhood of Jesus
Image 8 - Drawing by Heinrich Hofmann.

Jesus and the Woman of Samaria
Image 9 - Drawing by Heinrich Hofmann.

Healing the Sick
Image 10 - Drawing by Heinrich Hofmann.

Sermon on the Mount
Image 11 - Painting by Carl Heinrich Bloch.
Courtesy of Det Nationalhistoriske Museum på Frederiksborg, Hillerød, Denmark.

Driving the Money Changers out of the Temple
Image 12- Drawing by Heinrich Hofmann.

The woman taken in Adultery
Image 13 - Drawing by Heinrich Hofmann.

Jesus Forgives the Sinful Woman
Image 14 - Drawing by Heinrich Hofmann.

Jesus Raises Jairus's Daughter from the Dead
Image 15 - Drawing by Heinrich Hofmann.

Jesus and Peter Walk on Water
Image 16 - Drawing by Heinrich Hofmann.

The Transfiguration
Image 17 - Painting by Carl Heinrich Block.
Courtesy of Det Nationalhistoriske Museum på Frederiksborg, Hillerød, Denmark.

Become as Little Children
Image 18 - Drawing by Heinrich Hofmann.

Christ with Mary and Martha
Image 19 - Painting by Heinrich Hofmann.
Courtesy of Stadtmuseum Bautzen, Germany.

Christ and the Rich Young Ruler
Image 20 - Painting by Heinrich Hofmann.
Courtesy of The Riverside Church, New York City and New York Graphic Society.

Jesus in the Interiorization of Prayer in Meditation
Image 21 - Painting by V. V. Sapar.

Suffer the Little Children to Come Unto Me
Image 22 - Drawing by Heinrich Hofmann.

Jesus' Entry into Jerusalem
Image 23 - Drawing by Heinrich Hofmann.

The Last Super: "And He Took the Cup..."
Image 24 - Drawing by Heinrich Hofmann.

The Last Super: "Continue Ye in My Love."
Image 25 - Painting by Carl Heinrich Bloch.
Courtesy of Det Nationalhistoriske Museum på Frederiksborg, Hillerød, Denmark.

Jesus Praying in the Garden of Gethsemane
Image 26 - Painting by Heinrich Hofmann.
Courtesy of The Riverside Church, New York City and New York Graphic Society.

The Arrest of Jesus
Image 27 - Painting by Heinrich Hofmann.
Courtesy of Hessisches Landesmuseum Darmstadt, Germany.

The Crucifixion
Image 28 - Drawing by Heinrich Hofmann.
“Lo I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world.” - Matthew 28:20

Jesus with Mary Magdalene at the Tomb
Image 29 - Drawing by Heinrich Hofmann.

The Resurrection
Image 30 - Drawing by Heinrich Hofmann.